
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Beyond the Books Giveaway Blog Hop

For the blog hop we are suppose to post something about our hobbies.Well the only hobby I have is reading.I know that sounds like a very uninteresting life but reading helps me escape from stress. I have two kids and school/work that takes up much of my time.I just finished student teaching for my Teacher Certification in Special Ed. and hope to have a full time teaching job real soon.My kids are both ADHD/ODD and each have another disorder so not much me time to spare.
I decided to share my favorite childhood books with you:

1-The Monster at the End of the Book

   I think is a cute and funny book.

2~The Pokey Little Puppy

  Isn't he so adorable!

3~Miss Nelson is Missing

I think it is the teacher in me that makes me like this book :)

What so of your favorite childhood books?

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