
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Shimmer (Breathe #2) by Elena Dillon RELEASE DAY BLITZ

Shimmer (Breathe #2) by Elena Dillon


YA Romantic Suspense

Book 2 in the Breathe Series:

Chandler Raines and her “dad” are on the run. Never staying in one place for very long. It’s just not safe. When they arrive in Lafayette, Louisiana, Chandler quickly realizes this is the place she wants to call home. Friends, a cute boy, and competitive cheerleading have her taking dangerous risks to have the life she always wanted. Risks she promised she wouldn’t take.
When her lies catch up to her, a decision has to be made. Stay or run? Will the evil that’s chased them for the last four years catch up to them? When Chandler’s past comes screeching into the present she’ll have to sacrifice everything to keep what she loves safe. But will it be enough?

I adored Jasmine and Easton in Breathe but I absolutely loved Lily,Caedan,Abby,Finn, and Chandler! They crack me up,especially Caedan who is mister wannabe bad boy with a heart hidden underneath that rough exterior.Now it'll just take the right girl to break down his wall and draw out the real Caedan. And that girl might just be Chandler but she isn't going play his games or let his cockiness get under her skin. She's been to way too many schools and seen more drama from watching as an outsider to know just how to handle cocky boys and snobby girls without it fazing her.
Though Chandler knows just how to be a loner and draw the least attention to herself as possible, these Southern girls in Lafayette,Louisiana ain't having any of that.Now as she makes friends she must do all she can not to give away too much about herself or her past or risk putting herself. her dad and her new friends and their families in danger. Yeap once again someone decides Lafayette is the perfect hide out from the danger that is chasing them.Now all Chandler has to do is keep a low profile and pray "he" doesn't find them,and just maybe she'll get lucky this time and be able to love somewhat pf a normal teenage life.But of course life isn't that easy,so as Caedan seeks to figure out what Chandler is hiding and Chandler seeks to keep her past hidden,one seemingly harmless decision may threaten to bring it all crashing down.
I love this series and hope Mrs.Dillon continues the series because I have fallen in love with these characters ans they almost feel like family since we share the same city.However,this was my question to my friend when we were discussing the books "is it weird I'm starting to feel a little creep out with this woman continually bringing killers to where I live even if they are just fictional?" Ok so I'm not that creeped out knowing they are fictional characters but then this happens "So Chandler's dad wants to do background checks on her friend's family and so she tells him 'how dangerous can it be we're living in Lafayette, Louisiana'...haha if she only know how ironic that question was",yeah that was another part of our convo about the book. 
I enjoyed Chandler and Caedan's banter and found Caedan quite hilarious at times.I really hope she writes the next book about Lily and Finn because,man they just need to get over themselves and admit they have something there and stop dancing around the subject before all that tension causes some irreparable damage to their friendship. And I so think there is more to the story behind Mr.Rourke's deportation.I'm very curious about him.

Buy it on Amazon:

                                            Shimmer links

~*~About the Author~*~

Elena lives and writes in a suburb North of Los Angeles.  She has never lived anywhere besides California which is probably a good thing since she hates being cold and is terrified to drive in the snow. She loves being a wife and a mother to her three kids and three dogs, although really the bulldog is the fourth child who has never matured beyond the toddler stage.

A self-proclaimed nerd, she has been writing since she was a child. She has only recently, however, come out of the closet about this to her family and friends.  They now understand better, but not completely, why she talks about characters in stories as if they are real people.

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