Friday, May 31, 2013

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea Release Day Blitz!

Title: The Edge of Darkness
Author: Melissa Andrea    
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Day: May 31, 2013
Blitz Host: Lady Amber's Tours

Synopsis:After a tragic accident, Araya Noelle is left with a constant reminder that nothing is forever.

Instead of dwelling over her loss, she plays the hand she's been dealt without complaint. In a world as black as hers, there's no room for bitterness, no time for regret. Sheltered from the outside world, Araya has become suffocated by a life she has no control over. Until Ryland Dare comes crashing into her life.

You don’t know true darkness until you've felt the light…
Like a firecracker, showering her with colorful sparks of freedom, Ryland quickly sweeps Araya away from her dark existence. For the first time since the accident, living in darkness is no longer something Araya wants to do willingly. Unleashed by the shadows of her reminder, being with Ryland, Araya touches light. Together they will learn what it’s like to be alive for the first time.

At the edge of darkness, a ray of light, will dare them both to HOPE.
DARE them to LOVE
DARE them to LIVE

Author Bio:Melissa started reading in high school when she found her mom's romance book collection and has been hooked on books every since. She became a complete book-a-holic, starting her own collection and improving her reading skills. Most of the time she could finish a book walking around the store, while her mom shopped.

She wrote her first short story in high school for a competition in her writing class. It was a child's book called 'Arnold' - it was about an ant who believed he could do anything. Oh by the way, she won!

She has written many stories since then, but this will be her first YA paranormal/fantasy and the first book she will have published.

She lived in MesaArizona with her husband of six years, and her 3 beautiful daughters. They are her biggest fans and they inspire her everyday. She enjoys spending time with her family, weekend dates with her mom & taking vacations. Hawaii anyone??


Book Trailer:


I brushed my lips across her neck again and watched as the world around us, spun. Her fingers twisted in my shirt and she pulled my  body closer. I didnt expect you Araya.  I rasped against her ear and my fingers tangled in her hair, bringing her lips up to mine. Her breath was warm and sweet against my lips and I wanted to taste her so bad it hurt.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Solstice: A Vampire Tale by Bryan W. Dull Blog Tour


    Solstice: A Vampire Tale 
     by Bryan W. Dull 
      Jan. 18, 2013                    

In Gavin Moxley's world, there is no thin line between right and wrong. In a personal crusade to help sever a line of disease carried by a clan of vampires; Gavin has no choice to be ruthless. The Vampires are purposely infecting the human population…waiting for humans to actively pass it on to each other. Gavin takes no chances and executes them one by one. Not strong or powerful, finding humans before they turn into full vampires is ideal and Gavin’s best bet.
Yes, this is Gavin’s life…
…And nothing ever changes it until a young half breed vampire with special abilities, Solstice, attaches and makes herself a fixture in his life when she asks for his help and protection and when a reluctant Gavin agrees he joins a dangerous game of cat and mouse. There is no safe place and the pair are constantly watching their backs. Torn between his hate and his love for Solstice Gavin is thrown into a moral dilemma that only he can figure out but two things are clear…

His faith and Humanity are being tested and the past is not always forgotten.

Author Bio:
Currently living in Cincinnati, OH with his wife (and fellow author Brandy Michelle) and their daughter. Bryan W. Dull goes leaps and bounds to get away from the norm and be his own person; with himself and his writing.  Since middle school he has always known what he was good at: entertaining and telling stories.  He has been consistently writing and coming up with plots for the last twenty years, but just  recently decided to share one with the world.  His first novel, “Solstice” is a vampire book inspired by his daughter and noir literature.  Born in Anderson, IN, Bryan has also lived in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina (where “Solstice” is based). 
Being a lover of all things art and pop culture “nerdism”; his interests lie in film, television, comics, games, anime, and books.  For a short while, Bryan dabbled in voice acting work only to shift his focus to his family and writing.  His favorite authors include; Chuck Palahniuk, Robert Kirkman, Clive Barker, Ernest Cline, and Neil Gaiman

 Link to book :

 Contact info:.
Google + : Bryan Dull 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Angels of the Knights - Fallon 

Summary from Goodreads:
When Fallon Angell died at the age of sixteen, her life changed forever.

The hallowed world of Emperica is everything she had ever hoped for as a mortal—immeasurable beauty, unconditional love and light. But, with affection for humankind still burning within her, she joins the Knight Caste to train as an angel warrior. As a Knight, she will give up her wings and return to the place that killed her to use her unique powers to search out and destroy the evil Kjin that roam the earth. As a Knight, she will stop at nothing to protect the mortals in her care.

The elders warn her that the path she chose will be a solitary one. That she will not have the same bond with humans as she once did. But, as far as she knows, the elders had never met Kade Royce.

When her duties place her in the path of this handsome former cop, emotions buried long ago rise to the surface and she is powerless to ignore the depth of her feelings for this young man. She knows instinctively that she has found what most people search their entire lives for.

Ignoring the risks, she invites him into her world of danger, but soon their lives collide with explosive consequence. As a result, Fallon realizes with heartbreaking despair that she can no longer hide from the painful truth. In order for Kade to live, she must destroy him.

E-book is currently free!
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Angels of the Knights - Blane 
(Angels of the Knights #2)

Summary from Goodreads:
Once the hunter, now the hunted. As the war with the Kjin rages, Blane Romero must lead the Paladin Knights against their mortal enemy while trying to protect the young, Juliet Hunter, who unwittingly finds herself entangled in their sinister schemes. Juliet cares only about shielding her young sisters from harm, but finds herself drawn to the enigmatic man who offers her much more than either he or she was prepared for.

Ostracized by the families they loved, Blane and Juliet find they have more in common than they thought as they battle demons both real and personal to stay together. But, will it be enough when the powerful Cesar Grant decides he wants Juliet for his own?

Book Two in the Angels of the Knights paranormal fantasy series.

Buy Links:
 photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg  photo 111AD205-AA04-4F9E-A0F4-C1264C4E9F30-1855-000001A1E8CEB6D7_zps9b730b94.jpg

About the Author
Thank you for visiting my Goodread's profile. I am Valerie Zambito, and I live in upstate New York with my husband and three sons. After having been involved in a busy sales career for fifteen years, a great love of world building, character creation, and all things magic led to the publication of my first adult epic fantasy series, ISLAND SHIFTERS, in October of 2011. Since then, I have added two additional books to this series and wrote the first book in a new teen paranormal series called ANGELS OF THE KNIGHTS.

My reading preference is fantasy as well and I devour in copious amounts. In my opinion, there’s nothing like it! Great fantasy grants us entry into a world beyond our own that is filled with adventure, mystery and danger. How exciting to enjoy a front row seat to human struggles of epic proportions. Struggles that tug at our heartstrings and elicit real emotion.

I gravitate to fantasy with heroic elements. I like strong, confident men who never back down from a fight against evil. The kind who will not hesitate to throw himself between a woman and a fire-breathing dragon. I like strong women, too. The kind who will appreciate the offer, but is more inclined to push the man out of the way and take care of the dragon herself. ;)

(1) Print or e-book copies of books 1 & 2 in this series plus $25 Amazon Gift Card
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Join the annual Summer Lovin’ Readathon!

The Summer Lovin’ Readathon is a week-long readathon event hosted by seven independent bloggers! (Oh, Chrys!, Tumbling Books, Effortlessly Reading, Love Life Read, Shelf Addiction, Read Sleep Repeat, and Reviewing Wonderland)

Spend the week reading at your own pace, when and how you want too. There will be daily challenges for awesome prizes and opportunities to get points toward the Grand Prize Packs.

As if that weren’t enough – the week will end with a 24-hr marathon readathon! Twitter parties, mini-challenges, games, prizes given EVERY HOUR, and more chances to get points toward the Grand Prize Packs.

Sign-ups will be open through July 6th. I’m in, are you?!

Earth Angel Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway

Earth Angel (Falling Angels #2)

Just because Megan Barnett recently defeated Satan, has a fantastic new best friend, and has won the love of deliciously
handsome, Guy Matson, doesn’t mean her troubles are over. Far from it. For Megan doesn’t realize it, but in her possession is a powerful weapon, a weapon sought after by both angels and demons and everything in between. They will do ANYTHING to get it.

In E. Van Lowe’s humorous, romantic and thrilling sequel to Boyfriend From Hell, Megan winds up in a gripping life or death battle to save herself, the boy she loves, and all of mankind from unthinkable evil.

Buy Links:

Review :
I love when books open and close with the same scene or components, like the feather that falls down on the opening and closing scene of Forest Gump. However, the outcome of this similar component leads to two different emotions. Megan lie has gone back to normal as much as can be expected after falling in love with an angel and winning a fight against Satan. She lost her best friend Matt to suicide and Erin because she blames Mean or Matt’s death. Now she has a new best friend, Maudrina, ho knows all about her bout with the supernatural. As Megan tries to enjoy her time with her angel boyfriend Guy, she knows time with him ill run out soon hen he must return to Heaven. In the meantime, Megan gets an invitation to all exclusive party which ultimately leads to another battle with demons. Now she must make a few tough decisions and the wrong ones could cost her her new found status at school, her education ,the life of someone she loves, or even her own life.

I enjoyed this book. It was an easy read. I look forward to the next one to find out what happens to Megan and Guy’s relationship. Their relationship is believable and cute. It is just like hat a real teen “first love” looks like. And I know that because I have one happening under my roof between my daughter and her “first love”. They would do anything to keep the other one and act like their world would end I they were ever torn apart from each other. Megan and Guy feel the same way and will do anything to keep the other safe, even if it means sacrificing themselves. Which that is a little dramatic, but that is ho teen actually vie their “first love”.

 Welcome to my stop on the Earth Angel blog tour hosted by YA Bound.  Click HERE to see the full blog tour schedule!

About the Author
E Van Lowe was born in the Bronx a long time ago, back in the days when children were supposed to be seen and not heard. Fortunately for E, his parents allowed him to speak freely. Unfortunately for his parents and older brother, E had a lot to say. He was speaking quite freely until one day, while his mother was trying to watch her “stories” (which is code for soap operas), she suggested that instead of speaking freely, he write all his important thoughts down. E wrote down many important thoughts, such as: crayons melt when you leave them on the radiator, or toy soldiers melt when you drop them in the muffin batter before mom puts it in the oven. His brother thought he was weird, but E was only ten years old at the time. What did he expect, Shakespeare? E liked writing things down so much, he decided that when he grew up, he was going to become a professional writer.

E has gone on to write for many award winning TV shows including: The Cosby Show, and Even Stevens. He also co-wrote the Academy Award nominated short film, Cadillac Dreams. Never Slow Dance With A Zombie was his first teen novel.  Boyfriend From Hell is the first in the Falling Angels Saga.  The second novel in the saga, Earth Angel, will be coming out soon.  It seems E still has lots of important, and weird, thoughts to share with readers.

1 winner will receive E-book copies of Boyfriend from Hell and Earth Angel (Open Internationally) 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Nevermore Press Memorial Day Sale!

Free Links : 
Daddy by Bryan W. Dull ~

Sewer Drains & Lighthouses by Bryan W. Dull ~

Unexpected Moments by Brandy Michelle~ 

Delivery Disaster Delight by Brandy Michelle~

ON SALE FOR $0.99:

Anastasia by Dawn White ~

Anastasia's Surrender by Dawn White ~

Wingless and Damned by Dawn White ~ 

Wingless and Forsaken by Dawn White~

Wingless and Cursed by Dawn White ~

Wingless and Forgotten by Dawn White

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Armored Hearts by Pauline Creeden and Melissa Turner Lee Blog Tour & Giveaway

Title: Armored Hearts
Author:  Pauline Creeden & Melissa Turner Lee
Published:  April 30, 2013
Word Count:  52,000
Genre:  Steampunk Fantasy
Content Warning:  G/PG Rating due to mild sexual tension and minor violence.

When a crippled young lord rescues a girl falling from a tree, it reveals a secret about himself and his mother's side of the family that could put him at the center of a war with beings he thought only existed in fairy tales.

Tristan Gareth Smyth lived his entire life stuck at home at Waverly Park and left behind while his Grandfather makes trips to London, all because of his blasted wheelchair.

Then an American heiress falls in his lap, literally, and he must find a way to keep her at a distance to protect not only his secret, but everyone around him from an assassin sent to kill him.

~ About the Authors ~
Pauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.

Melissa Turner Lee holds a BA in Communications with a concentration in Journalism from the University of South Carolina. She has studied fiction writing since 2008, attending various writing conferences and workshops, along with guidance from professional writing coaches. She resides in Spartanburg, SC with her husband and 3 sons.

~ Giveaway~

There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
GRAND PRIZE: Signed print copy of Armored Hearts, a Steampunk Charm Bracelet, and Bookmark Swag Pack (US Only)

SECOND PLACE: $20 Winner's Choice of Gift Card to Amazon or B&N (or even PayPal Cash) (INT)


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Friday, May 17, 2013

Saving Wishes Blog Tour

For Charli Blake, being seventeen is a tough gig. 
She's been branded a troublemaker, her reputation is in tatters and she's stuck in Pipers Cove, a speck of a town on the coast of Tasmania.
Thankfully, it's temporary. Her lifelong dream of travelling the world is just months away from becoming reality. All she has to do is ride out the last few months of high school, which is easier said than done thanks to a trio of mean girls known as The Beautifuls. 
When Adam Décarie arrives in town, all the way from New York, life takes an unexpected turn. His arrival sets off a chain of events that alters her life forever, convincing her of one thing. Fate brought him to her.
Saving Wishes is the story of a girl who doesn't quite fit the life she's living, and the boy who helps her realize why.

G.J Walker-Smith’s day job used to be in the stressful world of property management, until she realized she’d rather write books and raise her babies.
She lives in Western Australia, has an egotistical French bulldog, a love for really good coffee and a million stories in her head that she hopes to put into print.

·        Facebook

The Earth Painter by Melissa Turner Lee Book Tour & Giveaway!

Title: The Earth Painter
Author:  Melissa Turner Lee
Published:  February 28, 2013
Word Count:  66,500
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Content Warning:  None: G-Rated

When a self-conscious young woman discovers the boy in drama class is actually the immortal who painted the world into being, she becomes the target of another painter who hates humanity.

The Earth Painter is a Young Adult Supernatural Romance set in the small mill town of Chesnee, SC. It revolves around Holly Scruggs, whose family has just moved back to Chesnee after her dad lost his job along with pretty much everything they owned. Her image conscious parents correct her to the point of brokenness until she meets Theo. He is the artist responsible for all the beauty of the land and he thinks Holly is beautiful, too. Together they will fight against Fritz, the water painter, who hates humans and is hiding a secret under the high school.

My mouth fell open. Was he nuts? How was I supposed to answer a question like that?
I balled my hands into fists and put them on my hips. “What’s the matter with you?”
When he put his hands on his hips, I got upset for a moment before I realized he was still doing the mirroring exercise.
Ms. Jones suddenly yelled and clapped. “I love this. Love it! Everybody look at Holly and her partner. They aren’t just moving, they are conveying emotion with it. Brilliant!”
I went back to doing normal movements. And Theo continued to stare at me. “You look so familiar. I heard you say you just moved here, but did you move back? I mean, did you live here before…a long time ago maybe?”
“No.” I half-smiled and then bit my lip.
He was exceptionally good looking. I’d been too irritated to notice at first, but the more I looked at him the warmer my cheeks grew. The way he stared at me didn’t help. It was intense and inquisitive, and he was too close. We weren’t touchy-feely at my house so this invasion into my personal space was especially uncomfortable.
“So you’ve never been here before?” His gray-blue eyes studied me even more.
“Well…um…I’ve been to Chesnee before—to visit my grandmother before she died. Maybe you saw me around town then.”
He shook his head. “No, that’s not it. I’ve seen you up close, like this. I remember your eyes. They’re the color of the sea—just inside a coral reef, and your freckles are the stones of a volcanic island scattered along the sand. Your hair is like the sun setting over the water, shooting out orange rays in all directions.” He stared into my eyes even deeper. “You’re very pretty.”
The impact of his words slammed into me. I’d braced myself for an insult. That’s what I was used to. This was either the way he came onto girls for a hook-up, or more likely, some mean joke to get a good laugh going with the other kids. Anger bubbled up. I knew those kinds of tricks. Those were the kinds of things the kids I used to hang with did all the time. They played them on me too, when I no longer belonged in their circle.
My hands trembled, and my lips drew up to hold in the anger, but I refused to cry in front of this boy. I wanted to call him on his prank. I knew better than to think it was a real compliment, but I couldn’t think of anything clever to say.
The tears burned in my eyes despite my efforts.
“Forget this!” I shouted as I ran off the stage. Everyone’s stares bore into my back as I grabbed my backpack and made for the door. My head throbbed from ear to ear. I was dropping the class, and that was final.

About the Author:
Melissa Turner Lee holds a BA in Communications with a concentration in Journalism from the University of South Carolina. She has studied fiction writing since 2008, attending various writing conferences and workshops, along with guidance from professional writing coaches. She resides in Spartanburg, SC with her husband and 3 sons.

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
5 Ebook Copies of both books in the Painter Series (each winner gets both)
Gift Basket that contains: 1 Signed Paperback of both books in the Painter Series, Charm Necklace and Metal Bookmark inspired by The Earth Painter (US Only)
Giveaway is INT for eBooks and US only for the gift basket.

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