Thursday, July 31, 2014

Release Blitz : In Between Seasons

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Show n'ot Tell Publishing Presents:


In 2021 the world as we know it changed. The government collapsed, and the worst characteristics of human nature were shown as the world fell into ruins. Years after The Fall, the Tribes that were established are still at war. They still fight to keep what they pillaged, and most of all, they fight to keep their lies a secret. In a world filled with deception, nothing is as it seems. I was born into this world. Hunter Marks was molded into this world; a General— a person cold and harsh. A person meant to kill me. We were told to just believe. We were taught to never question. We’re supposed to be robots, and accept our roles in this altered society. Too bad Hunter and I don’t follow the rules. And we’re a hell of a lot stronger than they ever thought possible. They’ve been searching for the world’s deadliest weapon. It’s me. And I’m not following the leader any more. [youtube]

I would have given him everything. I would have melded every part of me into him. My breath caught in my throat. I already had. Love hadn’t existed in this world. Only hate, deceit and lies, but by letting him in I’d let all of that crumble. By letting me in he’d done the same, and now we were engaged in an even deadlier game than before. We weren’t enemies as we had been born to be. We weren’t friends as we had come to be. Then what were we? I let my hands run through my hair as I clasped my eyes shut even tighter. We were cursed. Young woman standing in dark forest
available now

Release Special Ebook- Just $1.99 for a limited time!

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about the authorback1
Cassandra doesn't remember a time when she wasn't writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character's stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England their dogs, Bubski and Kanga. Cassandra Giovanni is published by Show n’ot Tell Publishing based out of Connecticut, USA.
Cover Design: Gio Design Studios
Photography: Alex Kotlov via iStock

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Courtney Cole's GUARDIAN Cover Reveal

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Cover Reveal for Courtney Cole's GUARDIAN! GUARDIAN is a YA Paranormal Romance, and a book close to Courtney’s heart. It is being released on August 28th!

 GUARDIAN Synopsis:
Sometimes, things that go bump in the night are real. My name is Whitney Lane. I’m sixteen years old and at first, I thought I was crazy. I kept seeing shadows move along walls, and hearing whispers around corners, but whenever I looked, there was never anything there. Until one day, there was. Our world isn’t what we think. There are things around us, good things, bad things, scary things. Things that we tell ourselves aren’t real, but they are. They’re very real, and they’re terrifying. I’ve been swept up now, in a battle of good and evil, confused about love and what is supposed to be love, but isn’t. I don’t know what to think anymore. I can’t trust my emotions and I don’t know what is true. There’s only one thing I know for sure. Nothing is what it seems.
ABOUT COURTNEY COLE: Courtney Cole is a novelist who would eat mythology for breakfast if she could. She has a degree in Business, but has since discovered that corporate America is not nearly as fun to live in as fictional worlds. She loves chocolate and roller coasters and hates waiting and rude people. Courtney lives in quiet suburbia, close to Lake Michigan, with her real-life Prince Charming, her ornery kids (there is a small chance that they get their orneriness from their mother) and a small domestic zoo.        

The Gatekeeper's Promise Cover Reveal

It's time for the big reveal! It's time to reveal the cover for the final book in Eva Pohler's six-book young adult series, The Gatekeeper's Saga! For those of you who haven't heard of this series, it's about a teen whose life becomes entangled with the gods of Mount Olympus when one of them falls in love with her. You can try out the first book, The Gatekeeper's Sons, free! Find your favorite retailer here.
The cover of The Gatekeeper's Promise (#6) has been revealed piece by piece over the past few weeks. Here are the highlights:
Gatekeeper's Promise Jigsaw Final Third Gatekeeper's Promise Jigsaw Final Fourth Gatekeeper's Promise Jigsaw Final Eighth Gatekeeper's Promise Jigsaw Final eleventh Gatekeeper's Promise Jigsaw Final Fifteenth   Gatekeeper's Promise Jigsaw Final Eighteenth
 And now, here it is, the full cover: GatekeepersPromiseEbook final  
Many thanks to Melinda VanLone of Book Cover Corner for her amazing talent. Thanks to those of you who entered the rafflecopter giveaway and the Facebook Event. All winners will be announced by midnight on July 30th on the event page here. The Gatekeeper's Promise is already available for preorder here and will be released on October 1st at all retailers. If you'd like to receive a discount code for the preorder, please subscribe to The Pohler Express here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal: WITHIN THESE WALLS by J.L. Berg

We're so excited to reveal the cover for WITHIN THESE WALLS by J.L. Berg, which releases August 18th!

  WTW iBooks


Within these walls, he became my solace, my sanctuary and my strength. I am not strong. I am just a survivor of circumstance. Isn’t that what we all do? Survive? Each of us has our own set of circumstances to muddle through. Mine are just more…complicated. Born with a severe heart defect, I’ve seen the inside of a hospital room more than my own bedroom. I was drowning, a prisoner to the illness that owned me, until he appeared. He thinks he’s blocked out the world with his tattoos and hard exterior, but I see the real Jude, the one he so desperately wants to forget. But is he the answer to my prayers or will he break my already damaged heart forever? My name is Lailah Buchanan, and this is our story of hope, redemption and sacrificing it all for the one you love.  


Within these walls he became my solace, my sanctuary and my strength.
Like a white knight, he saved me from a life of gray and showed me a world full of color.
Within these walls, I gave myself to a man who said he would always fight for me.
Love me until the end of time.
But sometimes, not even love is enough when life gets in the way.
When your heart is already damaged beyond repair, what is there left to break?
Within these walls, I gave my less than perfect heart to the man I loved.
And then…he walked away.
Add it to Goodreads here! Sign up for J.L. Berg's brand-new newsletter here!  

About J.L. Berg

J.L. Berg is the USA Today bestselling author of the Ready Series. She is a California native living in the beautiful state of historic Virginia. Married to her high school sweetheart, they have two beautiful girls that drive them batty on a daily basis. When she's not writing, you will find her with her nose stuck in a romance novel, in a yoga studio or devouring anything chocolate. J.L. Berg is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

PBA Release Event

PBA RDB Banner.jpg

 When seventeen-year-old Ashley Watson walks through the halls of her high school bullies taunt and shove her. She can’t go a day without fighting with her mother. And no matter how hard she tries, she can’t make her best friend, Matt, fall in love with her. But Ashley also has something no one else does: a literal glimpse into the future. When Ashley looks into the mirror, she can see her twenty-three-year-old self. Her older self has been through it all already—she endured the bullying, survived the heartbreak, and heard every ugly word her classmates threw at her. But her older self is also keeping a dark secret: Something terrible is about to happen to Ashley. Something that will change her life forever. Something even her older self is powerless to stop.
 Everyone is exactly like me. There is no one like me. Ven wrestles with these contradicting truths every day. A clone of wealthy eighteen-year-old Raven Rogen, Ven knows everything about the girl she was created to serve: the clothes she wears, the boys she loves, the friends she loves to hate. Yet she’s never met the Authentic Raven face-to-face. Imitations like Ven only get to leave the lab when they’re needed—to replace a dead Authentic, donate an organ, or complete a specific mission. And Raven has never needed Ven . . . until now. When there is an attack on Raven’s life, Ven is thrust into the real world, posing as Raven to draw-out the people who tried to harm her. But as Ven dives deeper into Raven’s world, she begins to question everything she was ever told. She exists for Raven, but is she prepared to sacrifice herself for a girl she’s never met?

 The Dominion of Atalanta is at war. But for eighteen-year-old Aris, the fighting is nothing more than a distant nightmare, something she watches on news vids from the safety of her idyllic seaside town. Then her boyfriend, Calix, is drafted into the Military, and the nightmare becomes a dangerous reality. Left behind, Aris has nothing to fill her days. Even flying her wingjet—the thing she loves most, aside from Calix—feels meaningless without him by her side. So when she’s recruited to be a pilot for an elite search-and-rescue unit, she leaps at the chance, hoping she’ll be stationed near Calix. But there’s a catch: She must disguise herself as a man named Aristos. There are no women in the Atalantan Military, and there never will be. Aris gives up everything to find Calix: her home. Her family. Even her identity. But as the war rages on, Aris discovers she’s fighting for much more than her relationship. With each injured person she rescues and each violent battle she survives, Aris is becoming a true soldier—and the best flyer in the Atalantan Military. She’s determined to save her Dominion . . . or die trying.
Author Info:
Aimee L. Salter writes novels for teens and the occasional adult who, like herself, is still in touch with their inner-high schooler. She never stopped appreciating those moments in the dark when you say what you're really thinking. And she'll always ask you about the things you wish she wouldn't ask you about. Aimee blogs for both writers and readers at You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook. FACEBOOK | TWITTER | WEBSITE |

  Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. Since 2011, she's published more than eight YA & NA novels including the bestselling Dirty Blood series. She splits her time between coastal Virginia and the island of Guam and loves having a mobile career and outrageous lifestyle of living in two places. Heather is also a publishing and success coach bent on equipping and educating artists who call themselves authors. She loves teaching fellow writers how to create the same freedom-based lifestyle she enjoys. For more information visit and find out how to create your own OutRAGEous Life. You can find out more about her and her books at   FACEBOOK | TWITTER | WEBSITE | GOODREADS | AMAZON

  Tracy Banghart is a cheesy movie-loving, fantasy football-playing (go Ravens!), globe-trotting Army wife who began "practicing" her craft at the age of five, when she wrote her first story. She loves visiting the international friends she met while pursuing her MA in Publishing and spends a portion of every summer at her family's cabin in Canada, where she finds inspiration and lots of time to relax on the dock. She lives with her husband, son, two lazy dogs and one ornery cat. When not writing or spending time with her family, she is on a mission to bake the perfect cupcake. FACEBOOK | TWITTER | WEBSITE | GOODREADS | AMAZON                

The Neumarian Chronicles Blog Tour: Review of Escapement,Excerpts and Giveaway!

Title: Weighted
Series: The Neumarian Chronicles
Author: Ciara Knight
Publication:  August 18th, 2012
Pages:  42

The Great War of 2185 is over, but my nightmare has just begun. I am being held captive in the Queen’s ship awaiting interrogation. My only possible ally is the princess, but I’m unsure if she is really my friend or a trap set by the Queen to fool me into sharing the secret of my gift. A gift I keep hidden even from myself. It swirls inside my body begging for release, but it is the one thing the Queen can never discover. Will I have the strength to keep the secret? I’ll know the answer soon. If the stories are true about the interrogators, I’ll either be dead or a traitor to my people by morning.

Title: Escapement
Series: The Neumarian Chronicles
Author: Ciara Knight
Publication: February 26th, 2013
Pages: 337

Ten years after the great war of 2185 the queen’s reign is threatened by uprisings and fear. In celebration of my sixteenth birthday it is my duty as princess to sacrifice a slave to be initiated into the ruling council, solidifying my mother’s empire. When my own erratic powers surface I’m captured and tried for treason. Slaves hate me, my mother wants me executed, and my only chance of survival rests in the hands of a young man, Ryder Arteres, whose sister I sentenced to death.

Escapement Excerpt

The door swung open and four guards entered before Dred stormed in. “Malvak orders ya all to the platform now.”
My stomach flopped. “No. It hasn’t been an hour.”
“Malvak’s orders changed.”
“You said they’d be spared,” Ryder argued.
“They be ordered to watch.”
Dred’s words stung like a laser through my heart. “No, please. You can’t. It’s too soon.”
Ryder still clutched one arm and wouldn’t let me go. “Semara, listen to me.”
“No, I won’t. This isn’t going to happen. I’ll tell Malvak who I am and order your release.”
“Not wise.” Dred shoved the key into Ryder’s cell door.
I had to do something, anything to stop this.
“We need you, Semara. You’re the only one left in this war-torn world who can protect Raeth. Please, I promised my folks before they were murdered I’d take care of her. Once I’m gone—”
“Don’t say that.” Tears stung my eyes and I wanted to pull him against me and disappear.
Ryder reached through the bars and held the back of my head so our foreheads touched. “Once I’m gone, you are her only family.”
“Enough, it’s time,” Dred ordered.
The guards rushed into the cell, bound Ryder’s wrists, and dragged him from the cell. One guard grabbed Raeth by the arm and did the same to me. Dred stood at the outside of my cell, door open, waiting for me to exit.
“I did all I could,” Dred said with a heavy, deep tone. He bound my wrists and stepped back. “Sorry, Malvak ordered—”
“You could do more. Trust me, you’ll regret this later. You’ll go to sleep each night with Ryder’s face haunting your dreams. I’m still tortured by making a wrong choice when I was only twelve.”
I shoved past him and went out to the center of town. Acid rose in my throat at the sight of the noose hanging from a wood beam. It had to be wood. If it had been metal, I could’ve melted it and bought some more time.
Maybe I could try Ryder’s plan and incapacitate Dred before he stopped me, then get his gun and take a few down. If we could find cover and some metal we’d have a chance.
I watched Dred out of the corner of my eye as we approached the platform.
“Don’t try it, pretty face. I’ve trained for years to be a faster draw with me powers. Ya don’t stand a chance. All you’ll accomplish is ya own death.”
I lifted my chin, determined to fight. “I can’t stand by and watch him die.”
“Ya don’t have a choice. None of us do,” Dred insisted.
“You do. Let me use my powers and the three of us escape. Otherwise, you’ll have innocent blood on your hands.” I pleaded.
Wind whipped through the village. Creaks echoed from the skywalks. Water swished through the steel waterways above. Cannons and barbed wire lined an exterior wall. It was a fortress.
Mother had been right to fear them. Even if I freed Ryder, how could we get out? I suspected the walls were electrified. Maybe I could short out the wires, but I’d need Raeth’s help to demolish the wall.
Even if we managed to break through the wall, then what? We’d have to get a ship and figure out where we were.
There had to be a way to save him. I had to be missing something.
A horn sounded and people came out of homes and buildings, flooding the street to watch Ryder’s execution. Didn’t they see they were no better than the council?
I wrung my hands and pulled at my rope bindings that rubbed my skin raw.
The smell of animals and desert sand carried on the wind.
A tall man appeared on one of the skywalks with a fluffy cape of animal fur lining his huge frame. I couldn’t make out his features, but he definitely had a tattoo running across his forehead. A reflection of sunlight off his face indicated some piercings.
“This here Neumarian is charged with bringing the council’s wrath to our land. Do we wish to sacrifice our way of life and be enslaved to the council?”
“No,” the crowd yelled back as if in a trance.
“Terminate the prisoner and send his body as a gift to the queen.”
“No!” I cried out and ran for the platform. “You’re wrong. We only wish to go in peace. The queen doesn’t know we’re here. We brought a gift!”
I ran up the steps, but a guard snagged my hair, knocking me down so hard the wood cracked against my shoulder. A pain shot down my arm. Ryder shouldered the man and raced to my side. “Semara, please, don’t do this.”
“I can’t watch you die,” I managed through sobs.
The guards tore us apart and placed Ryder on top of a box.
I fought with all my strength and drew heat from my core to my hands, but the mind splitting pain made me collapse. I lay on the floor of the platform forced to watch the noose being secured around his neck.
“Proceed with the execution.”
The guard kicked the box out from under Ryder and the rope snapped tight around his throat.

I wan't sure what to expect from this book because it steam-puck and I'm venturing into that genre.But after reading the synopsis, I have to say I was intrigued. It had all the good stuff like dystopian society,a princess with a wicked mother who wants her dead,a rebellion with three teens on a mission to find them,unforgettable friendships,loyalty and forgiveness in the face of choice made out of the horror of picking the less of two evils,oh and of course romance with a bot who isn't just hot but hot head and temperamental along with a secret sweet and caring side.
The story quickly grabbed my attention and reeled me in.I was absorbed into the story with the characters.I felt every emotion they felt and found myself pleading for their safety and success on their mission.I loved the gifts the teens and others possessed.But when some of those powers are combined it can be dangerous,volatile and unpredictable,especially for two teens who fall fast for each other yet are cautious of their feeling and what could happen if they act on those feelings.
I've read the synopsis of book 2,Pendulum, before I even knew about book 1 and debated if it was something that would pique my interest.Well now I can yes it does and I look forward to joining our friends as they fight for freedom.

 Title: Pendulum
Series:  The Neumarian Chronicles
Author: Ciara Knight
Publication:  December 2nd, 2013
Pages: 364

Haunting memories.
Terrifying dreams.
Crippling lies.

Trapped in a world of deception, my sanity rests with the love of Ryder Arteres and our renegade friends. Six months of scouring the ocean floor in a rebel ship fleeing our homeland, delivers us to a possible alliance with the opportunistic European Council. Our only hope is to utilize our forbidden gifts to free our people from slavery, proving our worth. But when a trusted ally turns traitor and a new breed of the queen’s weaponry is revealed, I’m forced to face the terror of my past to save our crumbling future.

Pendulum Excerpt
Ryder tipped my chin up and pressed a kiss to my forehead. At feeling his suppressed desire and longing, I nuzzled his neck, seeking more, wanting to touch him, not through his uniform but his bare skin.
“Shh. You need sleep. Nightmares have been keeping you up. You’re exhausted. Wish I could be there to hold you through them, but we should arrive at the ENR base soon. It’s been too long.” His hand slipped to the nape of my neck. “Once we reach land, no one will keep us apart.”
Heat surged to my face and I leaned into his hands. “Nightmares? How did you…oh, your sister. Great. Guess Raeth can’t keep a secret.” I knew Raeth only told her brother out of concern, but I’d still chastise my best friend when I got back to my room.
“She just confirmed what I’d felt through our bond.” Ryder drew a circle around the tip of my nose with his. “What you been dreaming’ about?”
His closeness weakened my resolve to keep it from him. He’d think I was crazy.
“Tell me,” he urged, brushing his lips across mine in a feather-light touch.
My breath hitched and the memories of beatings and torture faded when his thumb glided down my cheek. “It doesn’t matter. Kiss me.”
His lips claimed mine with a too long-suppressed urgency. He needed and wanted me as much as I did him. If we didn’t make it to land soon, they’d have mutiny on their hands.
I inhaled his scent, absorbing it into my soul. Even after all this time beneath the sea, a hint of Earth remained and I savored the aroma. He’d always smell the same to me. A musky, earthy smell, with a hint of freedom. The aroma wrapped around my body like a shield of strength.
Steps thumped down the corridor and he broke the kiss. “Tell me. Before we have to go.”
I panted and shook my head. From the moment we’d met, he twisted me up inside until I’d share whatever he wanted to know. “Images mostly. My mother, my father. I never see his face, but I see hers.” I suppressed a shudder. “None of it makes sense. It’s almost like I feel physical pain, but I can’t see the memory.”
Ryder’s eyes narrowed. “What’s Gordon been doing to you during those sessions?
“Gordon? Nothing. He’s been helping me remember things. He says I’ve been reprogrammed. He’s trained in opening the mind back up and he thinks I could remember something that would help the rebellion.”
Ryder glanced down the hall. “Maybe so, but I don’t like you suffering. Mighty easy for him to push you into helping. But you need to know when to back off. You been training so much and been working with Captain Gordon, you haven’t gotten any rest.”
“Maybe that’s because I don’t want to.” I stared up at him. “I’m frightened, Ryder. Terrified my mother’s programmed me into being some kind of weapon.”
“I won’t let that happen.” He kissed me again then rested his forehead against mine. “We, just the two of us, need to find some time alone.”
I struggled to stay calm, to not let my frustration and jealousy out. I failed. “The last time I tried to take some time off, you were busy with Mart and her training. Can’t you train with someone else, like me? Why does it always have to be her?”
“Jealous?” The side of his lip quirked up into a teasing grin.
Yes! “No! No more than you are of Gordon.”
He straightened, his hand moving down from my neck to my lower back. “Let’s not do this. It’s late. I don’t want to argue.” Hugging me, he lifted me into the air until I was at eye level then he nuzzled my neck. “Rather do other things with you than fight.”
A giggle slipped from my lips.
“Love that sound.” Ryder nipped my earlobe.
“What sound?”
“You happy. Someday, we’ll go to that Resort Territory of yours,” Ryder slid his nose down the side of my neck, “where we can laugh all day.” His tongue traced the path his nose had just made. “Swim naked in that lake of yours.”
A guard stomped along the metal grate floor and halted a few meters away. “Hey, you two. Lights out in five. Don’t make me throw you in the brig.”
My head still spun from Ryder’s words. He gently lowered me to the ground. My knees shook, but I managed to remain upright.
Ryder scowled.
“Now,” the guard ordered, his face grim and determined.
Ryder growled low in his chest then kissed my cheek. “Until later,” he whispered.

Title: Balance
Series: The Neumarian Chronicles
Author: Ciara Knight
Publication:  April 28th, 2014
Pages: 266

Life on a war-ravaged Earth is a dying experience. Finally, after years of tyranny, the rebellion rises. Once I rescue my fiancé Ryder Arteres, I, and the rebel general, will fight to free our people. In a war where alliances shift and friends betray one another, will the final battle prove the truth of the prophecy the queen has so feared—her death—or will I lose everyone I love?

Balance Excerpt
“There is more to the prophecy.” Fallon stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You realize the claim of the Triune is real.”
I snickered, “Yes, I can’t deny that anymore.”
“That leaked from our council during the war, but we were able to keep the rest of the intel to ourselves. You see, one of the members of the Neumarian Council could estimate future events based on current trends. It’s sort of a statistical prophecy in a way. Of course, it’s deeper than that. The one who had the gift also channeled more than just facts, emotions, psychology, the art of body language and behavior. All the information was churned up and a prophecy was spit out.”
“What is the rest?” I asked.
“Penton must be the protector of the Triune…” He nodded to Harrison and a click sounded in my head. Fallon leaned close and whispered. “…the one who will risk his life and die to save the Triune.”
I cupped my hands over my mouth to stop the gasp from reaching Raeth’s ears.
My pulse thrashed at my neck. I slowly lowered my hands to my side. “You think he’s going to die out there, don’t you?”
Fallon clasped my hands in his.

Author Bio

Ciara Knight writes to 'Defy the Dark' with speculative fiction books. Her Amazon #1 bestselling series, The Neumarian Chronicles has received acclaimed reviews and awards. Escapement, book I, is a Rone award nominee and Pendulum, book II, scored 4 stars from RT Book Reviews, accolades from InD’Tale Magazine, received a Night Owl Top Pick and is a Rone award finalist. Her young adult paranormal series, Battle for Souls, received 5 stars from Paranormal Romance Guild, is a Night Owl’s Top Pick and won Book of the Month at Long and Short Reviews.
When not writing, she enjoys reading all types of fiction. Some great literary influences in her life include Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, Francine Rivers and J K Rowling.
Her first love, besides her family, reading, and writing, is travel. She's backpacked through Europe, visited orphanages in China, and landed in a helicopter on a glacier in Alaska.
Ciara is extremely sociable and can be found at Facebook @ciaraknightwrites, Twitter @ciaratknight, Goodreads, Pinterest, and her website
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Release Day Blitz: BEFORE YOU by Amber Hart


We're so excited to celebrate the release of BEFORE YOU by Amber Hart from Kensington Teen! This multicultural romance has us swooning!


Before You revisedABOUT BEFORE YOU

Some say love is deadly. Some say love is beautiful. I say it is both.

Faith Watters spent her junior year traveling the world, studying in exquisite places, before returning to Oviedo High School. From the outside her life is picture-perfect. Captain of the dance team. Popular. Happy. Too bad it’s all a lie.

It will haunt me. It will claim me. It will shatter me. And I don't care.

Eighteen-year-old Diego Alvarez hates his new life in the States, but staying in Cuba is not an option. Covered in tattoos and scars, Diego doesn't stand a chance of fitting in. Nor does he want to. His only concern is staying hidden from his past—a past, which if it were to surface, would cost him everything. Including his life.

At Oviedo High School, it seems that Faith Watters and Diego Alvarez do not belong together. But fate is as tricky as it is lovely. Freedom with no restraint is what they long for. What they get is something different entirely.

Love—it will ruin you and save you, both.



“Hi, I’m Faith Watters.” Those are the first words I speak to the new Cuban guy in the front office. He grimaces. He’ll be a tough one. I can handle it, though. He’s not the first. I can’t help but notice that he looks a lot like a model from the neck up—eyes the color of oak, strong bone structure. Everywhere else, he looks a lot like a criminal. Chiseled, scarred body … I wonder for a second about the meaning behind the tattoos scratched into his arms. One thing’s clear. He’s dangerous. And he’s beautiful. “I’ll show you to your classes,” I announce. I’m one of the peer helpers at our school. It’s not my favorite thing to do, but it counts as a class. Basically I spend the first two days with new students, introducing them around and answering their questions. Some parents with kids new to the school voluntarily sign their students up, but it’s only mandatory for the international students, of which we have a lot. Mostly Latinos. This Cuban guy towers over me. I’m five six. Not tall. Not short. Just average. Average is good. This guy’s not average. Not even a little bit. He must be over six feet. I glance up at him, kind of like I do when I’m searching for the moon in a sea of darkness. “Looks like you have math first. I’ll walk you there,” I offer. “No thanks, chica. I can handle it.” “It’s no problem,” I say, leading the way. He tries to snatch his schedule from my hands, but I move too fast. “Why don’t we start with your name?” I suggest. I already know his name. Plus some. Diego Alvarez. Eighteen years old. Moved from Cuba two weeks ago. Only child. No previous school records. I read it in his bio. I want to hear him say it. “You got some kinda control issues or somethin’?” he asks harshly, voice slightly accented. “You got some kind of social issues or somethin’?” I fire back, holding my stance. I won’t let him intimidate me, though I’ll admit, he’s hot. Too bad he has a nasty attitude. The side of his lip twitches. “No. I just don’t mix with your type,” he answers. “My type?” “That’s what I said.” “You don’t even know my type.” No one does. Well, except Melissa. He chuckles humorlessly. “Sure I do. Head cheerleader? Date the football player? Daddy’s little girl who gets everything she wants?” He leans closer to whisper. “Probably a virgin.” My cheeks burn hot. “I’m not a cheerleader,” I say through clamped teeth. “Whatever,” he says. “Are you gonna give me my schedule or not?” “Not,” I answer. “But you can feel free to follow me to your first class.” He steps in front of me, intimately close. “Listen, chica, nobody tells me what to do.” I shrug. “Fine, suit yourself. It’s your life. But if you want to attend this school, it’s mandatory for me to show you to your classes for two days.” His eyes narrow. “Who says I want to attend this school?” I take the last step toward him, closing the gap between us. When we were little, Melissa and I used to collect glass bottles. Whenever we accumulated twenty, we’d break them on the concrete. When the glass shattered, the slivered pieces made a breathtaking prism of light. I cut myself on the glass by accident once. It was painful, but worth it. The beauty was worth it. It’s funny how the bottle was never as beautiful as when it was broken. Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iTunes | Kobo | Goodreads

  ABOUT AMBER HART Amber Hart grew up in Orlando, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia. She now resides on the Florida coastline with family. When unable to find a book, she can be found writing, daydreaming, or with her toes in the sand. She's the author of BEFORE YOU, AFTER US, UNTIL YOU FIND ME, and sequel to UNTIL YOU FIND ME (untitled as of yet). Represented by Beth Miller of Writers House. CONNECT WITH AMBER HART Website | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads