Thursday, October 30, 2014

Morganville: The Series - Episode 5: "Burn" - HALLOWEEK

Morganville: The Series

Morganville: The Series

Morganville: The Series Revitalizes Vampire Genre Just in Time for Halloween
Rachel Caine’s Snarky Vampires Perfect for Geek & Sundry’s October Line-up

Geek & Sundry: Rachel Caine is adapting her Morganville Vampires books – fifteen (15) total – for a hilarious fright fest of a web series. Each episode of the first season is expected to be 8-12 minutes long, bringing the entire season to about an hour and is freely adapted by Rachel from the first novel – Glass Houses. The first season will begin airing on Geek & Sundry October 27th with a prime schedule planned out… the hope is that the first season finale lands on Halloween day.

Thanks to a passionate fanbase who fully supported the Kickstarter project (and whose funds were then matched by Felicia Day’s Geek & Sundry), Morganville Vampires: Book Series became Morganville: The Series and utilized one of the fastest, most innovative platforms for upcoming shows. Through the expansive reach of Youtube, Rachel’s fans can enjoy the show without the long wait that comes through traditional television and also, reach a worldwide audience faster. All around it made the most sense for a book series of this size and caliber.

Even though web series are seen as non-traditional formats, the casting process and scouting for film locations remains normal. Auditions were held in Dallas, LA, Austin, New Orleans and some digital (to give fans of the books a chance at the spotlight too). Rachel wrote all the character monologues for the auditions. The entire show ended up being filmed on location in Dallas, Texas in four separate venues, including a coffee shop, a turn-of-last-century Victorian home, a hospital, and a university. Nearly every episode ends with Rachel’s infamous cliffhanger endings!

Switching from book to film writing was easier than Rachel expected. The very first thing she did, ended up setting the stage for the adaptation process and made it easier for her to focus on the story she wished to tell. Rachel says, “The first thing I tried to do, since I wrote the book in 2006, was to write down everything I remembered from it without re-reading it. That was fascinating, because what I wrote down was really the core story, and that turned out to be what needed to be told in the show. So while I did go back to the book, I did it for the purposes of review, not inspiration.”

Fans might be wondering how a 10-day- shoot in April 2014 could possibly yield a story they recognize, Rachel is confident the series delivers and explains, “For practical purposes, you can only have so many characters in a show with this running time, so some characters from the novel, while really interesting, ended up not being central to the plot (like Miranda). However, I did think it was important to introduce Myrnin, who is a fan favorite character, into the mix early, so he makes a short appearance this season.”

To find out more, check out these sites for the scoop on Rachel Caine, The Morganville Vampires Books and Morganville: The Series.

Watch the trailer below:

Episode 1 -- Glass House --
Episode 2 -- Bite Me -- 
Episode 3 -- Sucks to Be You --
Episode 4 -- High on Life --

Morganville: The Series – The show stars fan favorites Robert Picardo as Oliver (Star Trek: Voyager) and Amber Benson (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) as Amelie, as well as Lindsay Seidel (Claire), Jordan Taylor Farris (Shane), Haileigh Todd (Eve), Ben Easter (Michael), Nikki Donley (Hannah), Afomia Hailemeskel (Monica), Jessi Mechler (Gina), Taylor Murphy (Jennifer), Gregory Connors (Brandon) and Chase Ryan Jeffery (Myrnin). It is directed by Blake Calhoun, known for his award-winning and groundbreaking digital series Pink and Continuum, the show was filmed on location in Texas on a Blackmagic camera.

Rachel Caine –  is a fictional character herself … a pen name of writer Roxanne Conrad. Since 2003, Rachel has written in the adult Urban Fantasy genre (the Weather Warden, Outcast Season, Revivalist and Red Letter Days series) as well as in Young Adult fiction (the Morganville Vampires series and award-winning novel Prince of Shadows). She is the author of more than forty novels and many short stories, and is regularly featured in anthology collections, most recently the Charlaine Harris edited Dead But Not Forgotten.

Last Chance Release DayBlitz

The 3rd installment in the DarkWorld: SkinWalker series. 

With the loss of her sister still weighing down both her conscience and her heart, Kailin Odel must take on the next part of her mission - find her mother and Anjelo and bring them back from Wrythiin. 
Kailin uses her mother's portal key and enters the Wraith world intent on saving the ones she loves, but from the moment she arrives her mission is fraught with peril. 
Arriving in Wrythiin, Kai steps right into the middle of a Wraith rebellion. And only to find that though Anjelo is safe, her mother is held captive by a subversive faction of Wraiths once led by the Wraithlord that Kai had killed. 
From Wraiths to Shapeshifters, rebel causes to fraying family ties, to inexplicable new powers, Kai must fight her darkest demons while entering the blackest pits of Wrythiin to save her mother.

I have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognize that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practice given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my tea-makers, my confidantes... I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It's a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each others loves - it works wonderfully...

My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands - I shall forever remain cross-eyed.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Morganville: The Series - Episode 3: "Sucks To Be You" - HALLOWEEK

A Dream Within A Dream: The Morganville Vampires Web Series!

A Dream Within A Dream: The Morganville Vampires Web Series!: For fans of YA paranormal fiction, especially those who love Rachel Caine's The Morganville Vampires series, I have some great news to ...

Here With Me by Alla Kar

Here With Me (Together #2)
by Alla Kar 
Release Date: 10/28/14
Swoon Romance

Summary from Goodreads:
JADEN BAKER is stoked about college, new friends, and a second chance to erase the memory of being bullied through high school. But moving on comes with a price. Her dad has made arrangements for her to move into her brother’s apartment so her brother can watch over her like she was a baby. But there's a glitch in her dad's plans. There are also two roommates living in the apartment too. Suddenly, living in an off campus apartment with three college-aged boys seems like a bad idea -- but not to Jaden. After all, Cade is pretty damn hot, making the whole forced living arrangement and new baby-sitter a little more tolerable.

CADE JENKINS grew up on the opposite side of the tracks from his best-friend and his privileged little sister. His dad bailed when he was a kid, and he can't help but still care for his drug-addicted mother. But things are looking up. He's met someone. Too bad she's his best-friend's fresh out of high-school, inexperienced little sister. Awkward!

Just when it looks like things might be changing for the better, Jaden finds herself battling severe depression and a broken heart when her high school bully targets her once again. Cade, who'd love to pick up the pieces and make her whole, must fight his own demons and family trouble.

If only they didn't find themselves falling irrevocably in love.

Buy Links:

Book One:

Buy Links for Where You Are:

About the Author
I go by Alla Kar. I live in the Deep South with my husband, Chihuahua and pit-bull puppy. I love to bring southern gentlemen, alpha males and all things new adult to life. I am an Amazon Best-Selling Author!

Author Links:
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Stormfront by KR Conway

Stormfront (Undertow #2)
Release Date: 08/18/14

Summary from Goodreads:
Not long ago Eila Walker’s choices were limited: death by a bullet to the head, or at the hands of her beloved bodyguard, Raef. Now, five weeks after Raef triggered her power and she nearly leveled a historic mansion, Eila is dealing with the fall-out of her decisions. While she doesn’t remember dying in the arms of the soul thief who loves her, she knows that Raef remembers everything about the night he nearly killed her.

Now on the mend and attempting to keep one step ahead of the FBI, Eila and her team of misfits are desperate for a bit of normal. Eila is trying to navigate high school, while her BFF Ana is cautiously hanging with past-boyfriend and soul thief, Kian. Shape-shifter, MJ, is trying not to piss off his mother, while Raef is coping with his fears that Eila will never be safe.

But just as “normal” seems within their grasp, a powerfully built newcomer arrives. Raef knows the scarred man as a Blacklist Dealer – a soul thief, who peddles the names of humans who deserve to die. Eila, however, knows him as the protective hunter from the woods, who she nicknames Thor. Before long, Raef and Eila realize they’ve met the same killer, and he has one hell of a story to tell the five friends . . . if Raef doesn’t murder him first.

Buy Links:

This was a great book! Awesome sequel to Undertow! But that ending,oh my goodness so when is book 3 coming out? The characters and plot suck you in as you hold on for a ride of twist and turns!

Links to book one (Undertow):

About the Author
I have been a journalist for 15 years and serve on the Board of Directors for the Cape Cod Writers Center. I also drive a 16-ton school bus because I am ENTIRELY NUTS.

In addition to working jobs that should come with a warning label , I hold a BA in Psychos (Forensic Psych), torment the tourists about Jaws, and occasionally jump from the Town Neck bridge in an attempt to reclaim my youth.

I live on Cape Cod with two smallish humans who apparently are my kids, my fishing-obsessed husband, two canines (adept at both flatulence and snoring), and a cage-defiant lovebird that sleeps in a miniature tent. Nope - that's not a type-o. The bird is quite the indoor camper.

Author Links:


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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gateway Trilogy by Christina Garner

Release Date: 06/2014

Summary from Goodreads:
Ember has always known she doesn’t belong in this world. But when she tries to correct the mistake, she wakes to find herself in a mental institution.

She’s soon drawn to Taren, the mysterious boy with hazel eyes. He’s not what he seems, but what is he?

When chaos erupts, they are forced to flee the institution together, and the secret that Taren has been keeping brings Ember closer to understanding her own. And leads her to… the Gateway.

Buy Links:
Amazon (on sale for $.99)

Release Date: August 2014

Summary from Goodreads:

**Description Contains Book 1 Spoilers** 

Two months have passed since Ember Lyons nearly died killing the powerful Root Demon threatening the Los Angeles Gateway. Physically healed, images of the day still haunt her and she can no longer access the power she once wielded. She can't talk about it with anyone at The Institute--not even her handsome, demon-hunting boyfriend, Taren. Besides there are bigger things to worry about: Gateways around the world are weakening, Keepers' Marks are fading, escaped lesser demons are populating Los Angeles, and it looks like the Root Demon wasn't alone.

When the Institute sends Ember and a team to Europe, she hopes to find answers and security on the journey, but another attempt on her life reminds her she's never really safe.

Then she's thrust together with the mysterious Alexander. Ember can't be sure if this charismatic man is her most formidable enemy or greatest ally. Either way, she needs him, because he's the only one who can bring her to... the Chasm.

Buy Links:
Amazon (on sale for $2.99)

Tether (The Gateway Trilogy Book 3)
Release Date: 09/23/14

Summary from Goodreads:
**Description Contains Book 2 Spoilers**

Ember was only trying to keep a promise when she jumped into the demon world. But instead of saving Cole and his people, she found herself just as trapped as they are. She lives and learns with the Daemon survivors while the demon threat grows every day.

Meanwhile Taren struggles with his guilt for not stopping Ember. He’s desperate to know she’s alive, but there's been no sign of her except in his own vivid dreams.

As they struggle to reconnect, the Gateways around the world weaken, and the demons begin to amass for war. The end is near and Ember must face her fears if she has any hope of saving the world – or herself.

With everything falling apart, her only hope is to find...her Tether.

Buy Links:

About the Author
Christina Garner began writing stories at the age of six. Her first–about a young girl who busted up a nefarious ring of furniture thieves–was a huge hit with her mother. At eighteen, her aspirations as an actor had her loading up her Buick and setting off for Hollywood. Since then, she has written and directed 10 short films, including Rewind and Reminder, both of which received acclaim on the festival circuit. In 2006, she began writing screenplays. A year later, she even got paid for one. In May of 2011, her debut novel, Gateway, became an Amazon Bestseller. Chasm, Book 2 in The Gateway Trilogy, did the same.

When she’s not writing novels, Christina spends her time working in the movie business, traveling, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns, and playing with her dog, Griffin.

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Review: FIX UP (Patch Up #2) by Stephanie Witter

FIX UP (Patch Up #2)
by Stephanie Witter

**New Adult Contemporary Romance**
+18 Recommended and up
Fix Up on Goodreads: Fix Up (Patch Up, #2)

Saying “I love you'' doesn’t erase the old scars and fears.  
"I love you to insanity. I'm not even sure if it's a good thing.'' — Duke  

Goodness,my heart was in all kinds of knots reading Fix Up! Duke and Skye are so broken it puts a strain on their relationship. I wanted to yell at them to just stop and think things through before they react so rash to every obstacle thrown in their wake.I kept thinking these two so should not be in a relationship without first healing but it seems each other is both a blessing and a curse.While it helped them start to heal,their insecurities from past hurts keep tearing them apart. But being apart will break them to the pint of no return.Neither can handle another heartbreak but the more they try to keep themselves and each other from hurting the more they do just that,it's a vicious cycle that needs to end and end soon. But the way they ends the cycle will determine if they can survive this roll-coaster they have jumped on and is on track speeding out of control and one decision will put it on a right track with a happy ending or straight into oblivion. I think this is a perfect picture of the damage being in an abusive relationship can do to a person, how hard it is to get out, and the difficulties of recovering. But it also shows you can escape and you can move on.There is hope and you can still find happiness after a traumatic incident.I'm so proud of Skye for having the guts to finally get out and fight for herself and realize she is more than what Sean made her out to be and he is the one who is truly damaged.I felt sorry for him in a way,even though I like to knock that egotistical smirk off his face,he wasn't strong enough to break the cycle his father started. He became a victim who turned into the victimizer,which sadly happens so often. I can relate with Skye because I've been there and even though I've healed much, I haven't been strong enough to have a real relationship again,too after of getting hurt again because like Sean,my ex husband didn't show his true colors until a few months after we were married.I like Skye,never imagined this person I thought I loved could be so callous and cruel.The funny thing is I totally understand her sub-conscientiously minimizing what he did to her because I did the same thing and my mind had even blocked memories from me until later when I tried to remember everything so I could heal and get over it. But not sure you ever truly get over it,like they said the scars will always be there,scars don't heal they are a mark on you as a reminder of what you endured.

Skye followed her long time boyfriend to Seattle for their first year of college, but he dumped her after only a week. The relationship brought only pain and destruction in Skye's life, and yet, she can't bring herself to open up and live her life.
"What if I am already broken into pieces?"
She hates to be touched, hiding under her oversized shirts and behind her wild frizzy hair. Even her bubbly roommate can't reach her. And yet ...
"I'm the guy who knows how you can hurt so much that your insides feel like they're cut and bleeding."
The tall, handsome, and tattooed TA in her psychology class changes everything when he literally collides with her and confronts her. For the first time in a long time, she wants to try and open up to this guy whose dark, intense eyes can't hide his own pain despite his dazzling smile getting to her.
However, just when she's starting to live again, her ex-boyfriend comes back, breaking her time and time again, making it all the more complicated.
She wants to fight for herself and for this building thing with the TA, even when he pushes her away, but can two broken people patch each other up?
"I never thought colliding with someone could change lives, but it is possible."
* Due to some shocking scenes, this novel is for readers of 18 and up

Stephanie Witter is a French dreamer. She started learning English at three, and fell in love with the language. Always with a book, or two close by, she started reading in English when she couldn't wait any longer for Harry Potter to be translated in French. After a while, reading wasn't enough. She started writing Young Adult and New Adult Contemporary novels and PATCH UP is her first New Adult Contemporary novel.