The Burning Claw, The Grey Wolves Series, Book 10
Author: Quinn LoftisRelease Date: September 10, 2016

Okay, so this is the deal. Sally's gone AWOL on us, courtesy of some powerful being or beings who take things that do not belong to them. Jacque has given birth to a son and then boom she's at death's door. And as is the destiny of mated pairs, Fane is knocking right along with her. Wait, it gets worse. Peri is trying to hold the new parents to this realm. Costin is, well, he's trying to hold on, especially because of Titus, he and Sally's adorable adopted son. But the darkness that grows in these male wolves doesn't take a vacation just because they don't want to go feral. And to finish off our stellar list of crappy situations we have Bethany and Drake. Oh what a pair they make. Look I rhymed. Moving on, Drake is going all cave man wanting to put Bethany in a bubble. Thankfully, he has me to keep him from doing something that sends his true mate running. And Bethany, she is my beautiful blank slate that I get to teach all of my incredible knowledge to. You don't want to miss those chapters. What are you waiting for? Go find out what happens...and then tell me because I don't remember much. Just me killing Dec, Peri having triplets and Vasile finds out he's pregnant. See, it's going to be a freaking blast! Happy reading witches! (Dec wouldn't let me use the word I wanted. Butt-head) ~ JenReview:
Grab a box klennex and the chocolate and get ready to dive into a roller coaster of a journey! Thank you Quinn for that ending because the last one liked to tear my heart out! My heart was still torn when I jumped into this story but there were plenty of laughable moments,thanks to Jen and Jacque,whose seemed find her inner Jen somewhere between giving birth and her soul lost in limbo.Then the two new girls seemed to be taking to Jen and her ways so I forsee much drama between them and their mates. I do advise to read this in the confines of your own personal space due to ugly cries,uncontrollable laughter,and anger or excited outburst brought on as a side affect of this book. I actually gasped and screamed "no" before I remembered my son was home,of course by now my kids have learned to ignore me. I'm very excited for Was in,yay for history boy! I loved this book as much as I loved the rest of the series and seriously at one point I contemplated wanting to be in Quinn's head when she's writing her Jen moments,that stuff is epic! Laugh cry,scream,dance as our favorite supernaturals once again battle evil not only for their loved ones and people but also to keep the human world safe but know the battle may be over but the war still rages on.
About The Author
Quinn is a “retired” nurse thanks to all the amazing readers who have made her dream possible to write full time. She lives in beautiful West Arkansas with her three precious sons with smiles that are as contagious as their laughs and husband who is her best friend and biggest fan. She is able to write about the deep, unconditional love she does because of the love he shows her every day of their lives. She is the author of 19 self-published works. Including the USA Today Bestseller Fate and Fury. In her spare time, she likes to read, watch movies, spend time with her family and correspond with readers. Quinn gives all glory to God the success her books have had and wants to also let the readers know she is so very thankful for their support.
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If you are saying: "What if I haven't read the series?!? Where do I start?" Here is your answer!Prince of Wolves, The Grey Wolves Series, Book 1
The book that started it all
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