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The bad boys and girls of Winterland are back for the final battle, and this fight isn’t just between naughty and nice, but life and death.
Dinah Liddell grew up plagued by nightmares of monsters and strange creatures only to discover they are all real. Winterland exists. Now, she’s being forced to return the Blood-Red Queen to her throne.
This time there’s nothing Jessica Winters won’t do to destroy Winterland, warping the lines of reality for Dinah and robbing her of her sanity.
With her sister, Alice, and the gang, Dinah has to fight against an opponent she never saw coming—her own mind. Rediscovering the brazen girl she once was, full of fire and passion, she will break every rule to save those she loves.
But as usual in this mad, mad place, nothing is what it seems, and those she trusted will betray her.
In freeing one beast, Dinah sacrifices another. A monster who will be used to help bring down Winterland once and for all.
The whole Winterland gang is in a fight for their lives, and as the war between naughty and nice bleeds the ground red, they find there is more to Jessica’s plan than to take Winterland.
When a beauty breaks, the beast will fall, and down will go Winterland…Santa and all.
Alice in Wonderland meets Beauty and the Beast with a holiday twist! Don’t miss this final installation in this mad, twisted series. You poke the monster…you get the beast.
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“Dinah? The appearance of working is not actually working.”
I jumped in my seat, twisting my head up to see my professor looming over me. “Mr. Cogsworth! I-I am…”
“Spacing out,” he finished for me. “I know the look all too well. I see it many times a day.”
I lowered my head, feeling a twang of guilt. “I’m sorry.”
“Dinah, you are by far one of my best students. Your work ethic is impeccable. It’s okay to give yourself a break every once in a while.” A soft smile peeked out from his French Fork beard. “Sometimes a break from the madness is good. Your mind needs to let go.”
My gaze snapped to him, his phrase ringing something in my head. It felt so far away and distant, like a scream from inside a coffin.
“Did you forget what we discussed before?” He tucked his beefy hands into his waistcoat.
“Don’t think in such a straight line. It is not merely one plane on which certainty lives. What you perceive may not be, but what you don’t see may be the only reality that is true.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Struggling to breathe, his statement fell on my chest, feeling heavy. It sounded like nonsense, but I couldn’t brush away the sick feeling in my stomach. “Not everything is what it seems, my dear. As I said before, sometimes it’s worth risking everything for something you can’t see but can feel.” He bent closer. “Look closer, Dinah, and find the cracks in the seams. The puzzle pieces that don’t fit.” With a wink, he turned and ambled away, conversing with the next student.
What the hell?
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Read the First Chapter HERE!
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Stacey Marie Brown is a lover of hot fictional bad boys and sarcastic heroines who kick butt. She also enjoys books, travel, TV shows, hiking, writing, design, and archery. Stacey swears she is part gypsy, being lucky enough to live and travel all over the world.
She grew up in Northern California, where she ran around on her family’s farm, raising animals, riding horses, playing flashlight tag, and turning hay bales into cool forts. She volunteers helping animals and is Eco-friendly. She feels all animals, people, and environment should be treated kindly.

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