Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Cover Reveal:Shattered Souls


Title: Shattered Souls

Author:Publisher: Beck Michaels Pluma Press

Release Date: Aug 30, 2022

Genre:Pages: 500+YA Epic Fantasy

Format: Hardcover | Paperback | Ebook





 Mourning the loss of her enemy. Alone and afraid, the time has come to be her own savior. She cousin and her bond, Dyna lies trapped with the willthe damsel is dead. This time, she fights. use every skill and spell her Guardians taught her to survive. Because

Cassiel and the Guardians are desperate to find their Maiden. Except they cannot do it alone. Their journey to cross Troll Bridge proves harder than ever as they race against the impending winter. When the High King summons him to answer for his crimes, Cassiel will sacrifice everything in order to save the one person he can’t live without. Even if it means his fate will end in exile—or a throne.

Dyna and her Guardians will all face a trial by fire as they confront their greatest threat yet. Themselves. And when ice meets flame, will they be willing to pay the price?

The hunt for Mount Ida reaches new heights and dark lows as the Guardians of the Maiden continues in this heart-gripping tale about the bonds of love, duty, and power.

Shattered Souls releases August 30th! Submit your pre-order receipt on Beck's website for a free print, bookmark, and bookplate (US and International). Now is the perfect time to catch up on the series. Divine Blood (b1) is on sale for .99 and Bonded Fate (b2) is 1.99 on Amazon! Sale ends Saturday, March 12th."



About Beck Michaels

Beck Michaels is the bestselling author of the enchanting epic fantasy series, the Guardians of the Maiden. For her, the best books are the ones with characters that pull on your heartstrings. Therefore, she’s always looking for ways to collect tears from her readers. Beck currently lives in Indiana with her husband and two children, where she spends most of her time reading and daydreaming of adventures in faraway lands.

Link to the list of hosts doing the reveal: https://literaryboundtours.com/2022/03/02/cover-reveal-schedule-shattered-souls-by-beck-michaels/

You can find Beck on her socials: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


IG: @literaryboundtours

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