SERIES – The Untold Stories of Neverland
AUTHOR – K.R. Thompson
GENRE – Fantasy/Fairytale/Short Story
PUBLICATION DATE – August 10, 2015
LENGTH – 15,000 words
PUBLISHER – Createspace
COVER ARTIST – Alchemy Book Covers

Neverland has always been their sanctuary—until now.
Magic is dying in Neverland and only one pixie is brave enough to search the human world for someone to believe. Tink finds a desolate boy flying in the night, peering in windows, searching for the life he once knew. But can she convince him to abandon his quest and save Neverland?
Discover the untold story of the boy destined to become Peter Pan.
I have watched many renditions of Peter Pan
and read several. I've realized it's on my list
of favorite fairy tale renditions. an started out
different from any way I've ever heard of how Peter
came to Neverland. However,Tink and her reason
for bring him there made me feel like I was reading
a Disney story until something unexpected happened
and the author kept surprising me with new twists.
The only disappointing thing was it ended soon
than I would have liked. I look forward to reading the
next installment: Hook.
In Pan discover the untold story of what you thought
you knew everything about.
and read several. I've realized it's on my list
of favorite fairy tale renditions. an started out
different from any way I've ever heard of how Peter
came to Neverland. However,Tink and her reason
for bring him there made me feel like I was reading
a Disney story until something unexpected happened
and the author kept surprising me with new twists.
The only disappointing thing was it ended soon
than I would have liked. I look forward to reading the
next installment: Hook.
In Pan discover the untold story of what you thought
you knew everything about.

K.R. Thompson writes paranormal stories with a bite and fairy tales with a twist. An avid reader and firm believer in the magic of books, she spends her nights either reading an adventure, or writing one.
She still watches for evidence of Bigfoot in the mud of Wolf Creek.
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